SERVOsoft News

SERVOsoft® v2 Support Ends

June 5, 2017

As of June 5, 2017, SERVOsoft® v2 has been removed from the ControlEng download servers. June 2014 was the last program update, and August 2014 was the last database update.

SERVOsoft® v2 was first released in October 2004 and was developed on Windows XP and then updated to run on Windows Vista & 7. The time has come for us to invest our resources towards more recent technologies including our upcoming release of SERVOsoft® v4.

What happens if I continue to use SERVOsoft® v2?

If you continue to use SERVOsoft® v2, it will still run on your Windows PC. However, with subsequent Windows Updates, SERVOsoft® v2 may "break" and we will not be issuing any patches to keep it running.