A Combined Product is the combination of two or more products to
form one product. For example, a Drive Motor (also known as a Motor
Integrated Drive) is the combination of a Drive and Motor. A Drive
Motor has its own unique model and is ordered as one product. The
Drive Motor Model is listed in the Bill of Material.
Other examples of combined products are Gear Motor, Drive
Gear Motor, Motor Linear Actuator, Drive Motor Linear
Actuator, Motor Pump, etc.
Combined Products are defined in the
CombinedProducts table.
Combined Products can be defined or modified in the program
using the Add/Edit Combined Products form.
In this example, Drive Motor Model ABC-123
consists of the Drive Model DEF-456 stored in the
Drives table, and Motor Model
GHI-789 stored in the Motors table.
Combined Products can also be defined in the Database
Spreadsheet Combined Products worksheet.
In this example, Drive Motor Model ABC-123
consists of the Drive Model DEF-456 stored in the
Drives table, and Motor Model
GHI-789 stored in the Motors table.
Rack & Pinion Combinations are defined separately using the
RacksPinionsFeedForce table. The combination
involves the following Rack & Pinion parameters, that all
together, determine the FMax Feed Force for each Rack & Pinion
combination. This is illustrated by the schema of Rack &
Pinions Combinations...
Racks, Pinions and Racks and Pinions FMax tables can be defined
in the database spreadsheet, and also in the software as
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