Max. Kapazität des DC-Busses der Einspeisung

An Infeed Module is limited by the "inrush current" that charges the DC Bus when the Mains Supply is turned on. The limiting factor is usually a combination of the Mains Supply Voltage and the total capacitance on the DC Bus.

In the [InfeedModules] and [Drives] database tables, there are two fields - [Cmax] & [CmaxFrml]. [Cmax] is an a value that now exists for backwards compatibility. [CmaxFrml], added in v4.6, uses a formula to allow for more accurate calculation based on the Mains Supply voltage. When [CmaxFrml] is provided and returns a value > 0 then this value is used. Otherwise, the [Cmax] value is used.

Cmax Formula Variables, Conditions, Functions, etc.



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