Modus Nur Projektansicht

When opening a project that uses features not enabled/available in the active license, a prompt lists features used in the project that are not available, with the option to open the project in "View Only Mode".

  1. Open Project in View Only Mode
    1. When checked, the project is opened in "View Only Mode" where the Main, Sequence, Power and some performance forms are enabled so the user can see key performance values.
    2. All inputs and features such as product selection, print report, etc. are disabled.
  2. Do Not Open Project in View Only Mode
    1. When not in View Only mode, inputs are removed for features that are not available in the active license.
    2. Sometimes, a nearest equivalent can be found. For example, say the project uses a Rack and Pinion from a database, but the Rack & Pinion Database feature is not enabled. In this case, the key values are simply converted to a manually defined rack & pinion mechanism.
    3. Other times, such as a Slider Crank mechanism, there is no equivalent, and all relavent mechanism data is lost.

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