

This event is generated whenever the user selects the crosshairs toolbar button (see Toolbar).  Use this event to perform operations specific to whenever the crosshairs toolbar button is selected.



'XYChartCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart control instance placed on the form

Private Sub XYChartCtl1_CrossHairsSelected()               

    XLabel.Visible = True     'Display control used for x-coordinate of mouse cursor

    Y1Label.Visible = True    'Display control used for y-coordinate of the first Y-axis

    Y2Label.Visible = True    'Display control used for y-coordinate of the second Y-axis

    Y3Label.Visible = True    'Display control used for y-coordinate of the third Y-axis

    Y4Label.Visible = True    'Display control used for y-coordinate of the fourth Y-axis

    Y5Label.Visible = True    'Display control used for y-coordinate of the fifth Y-axis

End Sub                                        


See Also

Events     CrossHairsNotSelected     CrossHairsMove     CrossHairsLeave