

This event is generated whenever the user double-clicks the mouse (left, middle, or right button) over the Legend.  Refer to Overview for an illustration of XY Chart's major components.  

Each row within the legend consists of a label (Y-Scale label or Profile label).  If a Y-Scale label is double-clicked on, the event will pass along the scale's index via its YScaleLabel parameter.  If a Profile label is double-clicked on, the event will pass along the profile's index via its Profile parameter.  

The parameters passed along with the event are described below.



Profile A value greater than 0 indicates the Profile's index.
YScaleLabel A value greater than 0 indicates the Y-Scale's index.


Note:  A LegendClick event is also generated during a double-click over the Legend.  It is generated before the LegendDoubleClick event is raised.



See Also
