

Use this method to update the XY Chart control with any property changes made.  This method is similar to Refresh, in that the chart is regenerated with the new property settings, but it does NOT change the scales' current min and max values.  For instance, if a chart is zoomed in and a data point value is modified (as in the example below), Redraw will regenerate the chart with the new data point value, but the zoomed in state will be maintained.



XYChartCtrl.BackColor = vbYellow           'Set the chart's background color to yellow 
XYChartCtrl.Row = 2                         
Column = 1
XYChartCtrl.Data = 0.75                    'Update the second x-value for profile 1 to 0.75
XYChartCtrl.Row = 2                         
Column = 3
XYChartCtrl.Data = 1.25                    'Update the second x-value for profile 2 to 1.25
XYChartCtrl.Redraw                         'Redraw the chart with the new values


See Also

Methods     Properties