

Use this method to programmatically enable or disable the zoom mode.   This method is equivalent to selecting the Zoom in/out button in the Toolbar.

The parameter required for this method is described below.



ButtonSelected Boolean value indicating the zoom mode.  TRUE indicates zoom is enabled, and the Zoom in/out button in the Toolbar is displayed as selected; FALSE indicates zoom is disabled, and the Zoom in/out button in the Toolbar is displayed as unselected.



'XYChartCtrl is the name of the XY Chart control instance placed on the form.
If XYChartCtrl.Toolbar.Buttons.ZoomInOutPressed Then
  XYChartCtrl.SetZoom(False)   'Disable zoom; a Refresh call is not required
  XYChartCtrl.SetZoom(True)    'Enable zoom; a Refresh call is not required
End If


See Also

Methods     SetZoomWindow