X-Axes - Scale Range



This grouping displays the characteristics for the x-axis scale mode.  The mode can either be automatic (the default) or manual.  The fields within this group indicate:

  1. Whether or not the scale range is to be entered manually.
  2. The min scale value if Manual is selected.
  3. The max scale value if Manual is selected.

Note:  The Min and Max fields are disabled if Manual is unselected; they are enabled if Manual is selected.

To Modify


To specify a specific scale range, check off the Manual checkbox and enter the desired min and max values in their corresponding textboxes.

To use the automatic scale range (where the min and max values are determined from the datapoint set), uncheck the Manual checkbox.   


Unchecked, 0 (for Min), 0 (for Max)

Location of group:  

X-Axes Property page


See Also

X-Axes Property Page    XScale property     DateTime feature