The Visible field determines whether or not to display the scale and label (if configured) on the chart.
The Label Horizontal field determines the label that will be displayed horizontally along the top of the scale.
The Label Horizontal Font selections determines the font, font style, size, effects and color for the horizontal Label.
The Label Vertical field determines the label that will be displayed vertically along the left side of the scale.
The Label Vertical Font selections determines the font, font style, size, effects and color for the vertical Label.
Check off the Visible checkbox to view the y-axis scale and label on the chart.
Uncheck the Visible checkbox to not view the y-axis scale and label on the chart.
To modify the horizontal label, enter the desired string into the textbox. Up to 20 characters, across two rows, can be entered. Use CTRL+Enter to enter the characters for the second row (these count as two characters).
To modify the font for the horizontal label, click on its Font button, select the desired characteristics, and click OK.
To modify the vertical label, enter the desired string into the textbox. Up to 100 characters can be entered.
To modify the font for the vertical label, click on its Font button, select the desired characteristics, and click OK.
Checked (for Visible)
"Time (s)" (for Label Horizontal)
Empty string (for Label Vertical)
Arial, Regular, 8, Black (for the Fonts)
Y-Axes Property page