This grouping displays the characteristics for the y-axis scale
format. The fields within this group indicate:
To modify the format style, select the desired style from the drop-down list.
To modify the format string, select the desired string from the drop-down list or enter a format string into the textbox.
To modify the font, click on the Font button, select the desired characteristics, and click OK.
To modify the spacing between major tick labels, enter the desired value into the text field. The value must be greater than or equal to zero.
Note 1: By setting the Numeric style string to "(Auto)", the appropriate number of decimals are automatically chosen for each tick value. The local system's formatting for digit grouping and decimals are also applied. That is, 1,002.25 for North American and 1.002,25 for European style number formats.
Format Style = Numeric
Numeric Format = "(Auto)"
Arial, Regular, 8, Black (for Font)
Label Spacing
= 1
Y-Axes Property page
Y-Axes Property Page YScale property
Number Formatting
DateTime feature