

Use this property to return the absolute maximum y-value of a specific y-axis.  Absolute maximum is the highest value that is displayed on the graph for that specific y-axis.  Valid parameter values for AbsMaxYValue are 1..NumYScales.  The value returned is a double.

NOTE:  This property is read-only and should only be called after a Refresh call has been made.


Dim idx As Integer


'XYChartCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart control instance placed on the form

'AbsMinYText is the name of a Text control array placed on the form

'AbsMaxYText is the name of a Text control array placed on the form

For idx = 1 To XYChartCtl1.NumYScales

     AbsMinYText(idx-1).Text= CStr(XYChartCtl1.AbsMinYValue(idx))    'Get the absolute min value

     AbsMaxYText(idx-1).Text= CStr(XYChartCtl1.AbsMaxYValue(idx))    'Get the absolute max value



See Also

Properties     AbsMinYValue