

Use this property to return/set values that determines the error logging characteristics for your application.

LogFile uses the Log Class set of properties for its characteristics.

NOTE:  In VB applications, LogFile.FormName is automatically initialized to the name you provided for the form containing the XY Chart control object.  Similarly, LogFile.CTRLInstName is automatically initialized to the name you provided for the XY Chart control object you placed on the form.



Private Sub Form_Load()
     Dim strTmp1 As String, strTmp2 As String

     'Set Error Logging
     With XYChartCtl1.LogFile
         .Enable = True                       'Turn the logging feature ON
         .DisplayErrorMsg = False             'Disable error messages from displaying to screen
         strTmp1 = .FormName                  'Get the current name used to identify the form 
         strTmp2 = .CTRLInstName              'Get the current name used to identify the XYChartCtl object
         .FormName = "FORM_SampleName"        'Set the name used to identify the form to "FORM_SampleName"
         .CTRLInstName = "CTRL_SampleName"    'Set the name used to identify the XYChartCtl object to "CTRL_SampleName"
         .Clear                               'Clear the contents of the error log file
     End With
End Sub


See Also

Properties     Error Log File feature