

Use this property to return/set values that determines the background color and border characteristics for the plot area.

Plot uses the Plot Class set of properties for its characteristics.



longValue = XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor        'Returns the plot area's background color

XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = RGB(0,0,255)     'Three different methods for setting the plot area's
XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = vbBlue           'background color to Blue
XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = &hFF0000

XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = RGB(0,255,0)     'Three different methods for setting the plot area's
XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = vbGreen          'background color to Green
XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = &hFF00

XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = RGB(255,0,0)     'Three different methods for setting the plot area's
XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = vbRed            'background color to Red
XYChartCtrl.Plot.BackColor = &hFF

If XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineOption = loCustom Then
     intValue = XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineStyle        'Returns the plot area's border style
     intValue = XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineWidth        'Returns the plot area's border width
     longValue = XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineColor       'Returns the plot area's border color
End If

XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineOption = loNone       'Plot border will not be displayed

XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineOption = loCustom     'Plot border will be displayed
XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineStyle = soDash        'Sets the plot area's border style to use Dashes
XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineWidth = woOnePoint    'Sets the plot area's border width
XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineColor = vbBlue        'Sets the plot area's border color to Blue

XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineColor = RGB(0,0,255)  'Alternate method for setting the plot border color to Blue
XYChartCtrl.Plot.Border.LineColor = &hFF0000      'Alternate method for setting the plot border color to Blue

XYChartCtrl.Refresh                               'Refresh required to update chart with changes made


See Also

Properties    Plot Background Color    Plot Border characteristic fields