Sample 2 - Trending, 3 Profiles, 1 Y Scale, 1 X Scale, Toolbar & Legend

' To test this code, the trial or full version of XYChart must be installed on your computer.
' 1. Start a new standard Visual Basic project
' 2. Copy the code below directly into the project
' 3. On the form, place a new XYChart control named XYChart4Ctl1 (default)
' 4. On the form, add two command buttons names Command1 and Command2 (defaults)
' 5. On the form, add one timer control named Timer1 (default)
' 6. Run the project

Option Explicit
Dim TrendSample As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
     Command1.Caption = "Start"
     Command2.Caption = "Stop"


     ' Configure XYChart control
     With XYChart4Ctl1
          .NumProfiles = 3

          .Trend.Enable = True
          .Trend.DisplayLength = 60

          .NumYScales = 1

          .Legend.Visible = True
          .Legend.BorderVisible = False
          .Legend.YScaleVisible = False

          .Toolbar.Visible = True

          .YGrid(1).LineOption = loCustom
          .YGrid(1).LineStyle = soSolid
          .YGrid(1).LineColor = RGB(0, 128, 0)
          .XGrid(1).LineOption = loCustom
          .XGrid(1).LineStyle = soSolid
          .XGrid(1).LineColor = .YGrid(1).LineColor

          ' Y Scale
          .YScale(1).Visible = True
          .YScale(1).ScaleMode = smManual
          .YScale(1).Max = 100
          .YScale(1).Min = 0
          .YScale(1).Label = ""
          .YScale(1).LabelFont.Color = vbWhite
          .YScale(1).TicksFont.Color = vbWhite

          ' X Scale
          .XScale(1).ScaleMode = smAuto
          .XScale(1).Label = ""
          .XScale(1).TicksFont.Color = vbWhite

          .BackColor = RGB(0, 40, 80)

          .Plot.BackColor = RGB(203, 203, 228)
          .Plot.Border.LineOption = loNone
          .Plot.Border.LineWidth = woOnePoint
          .Plot.Border.LineColor = RGB(0, 128, 0)

          ' Format Profile 1
          .Profile(1).YScale = 1
          .Profile(1).Label = "Random 1"
          .Profile(1).LineOption = loCustom
          .Profile(1).LineWidth = woOnePoint
          .Profile(1).LineStyle = soSolid
          .Profile(1).MarkerOption = loNone
          .Profile(1).LineColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)
          .Profile(1).NumSamples = 3600

          ' Format Profile 2
          .Profile(2).YScale = 1
          .Profile(2).Label = "Random 2"
          .Profile(2).LineOption = loCustom
          .Profile(2).LineWidth = woOnePoint
          .Profile(2).LineStyle = soSolid
          .Profile(2).MarkerOption = loNone
          .Profile(2).LineColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
          .Profile(2).NumSamples = 3600

          ' Format Profile 3
          .Profile(3).YScale = 1
          .Profile(3).Label = "Random 3"
          .Profile(3).LineOption = loCustom
          .Profile(3).LineWidth = woOnePoint
          .Profile(3).LineStyle = soSolid
          .Profile(3).MarkerOption = loNone
          .Profile(3).LineColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)
          .Profile(3).NumSamples = 3600


          ' Format Crosshairs
          .CrossHairs.Color = RGB(0, 128, 0)
          .CrossHairs.Width = woThreePoint
          .CrossHairs.HorizontalVisible = False
          .CrossHairs.YCoordInLegend = True
          .CrossHairs.CoordsBackcolor = RGB(0, 128, 0)


     End With

     ' Start timer
     Timer1.Interval = 100
     Timer1.Enabled = True

End Sub

' Timer Event
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
     Dim NewData(1 To 1, 1 To 6) As Variant
     NewData(1, 1) = TrendSample
     NewData(1, 2) = 30 * Rnd + 70
     NewData(1, 3) = TrendSample
     NewData(1, 4) = 30 * Rnd + 40
     NewData(1, 5) = TrendSample
     NewData(1, 6) = 30 * Rnd + 10

     ' Add new trend data to chart array
     With XYChart4Ctl1
          .Trend.AddData 1, NewData, aoAppendToEnd
     End With
     TrendSample = TrendSample + 1
End Sub


' Start trending
Private Sub Command1_Click()
     Timer1.Enabled = True

     With XYChart4Ctl1
          .Trend.Enable = True
     End With
End Sub


' Stop trending
Private Sub Command2_Click()
     Timer1.Enabled = False

     With XYChart4Ctl1
          .Trend.Enable = False
     End With
End Sub


' Resize Event
Private Sub Form_Resize()
     Command1.Top = 60
     Command1.Left = 3200
     Command1.Width = 735
     Command1.Height = 315

     Command2.Top = 60
     Command2.Left = Command1.Left + Command1.Width + 120
     Command2.Width = 735
     Command2.Height = 315

     With XYChart4Ctl1
          .Left = 0
          .Top = 0
          .Width = Me.ScaleWidth
          .Height = Me.ScaleHeight
     End With
End Sub



Start of Trending

While Trending

Trending Stopped


Zoom Out All