XY Chart NET 3 Control Reference
CrossHairsDeltaLeave Event

This event is generated whenever the chart is in the delta crosshairs mode (see Toolbar) and the user moves the mouse cursor outside of the plot area.  Use this event to perform operations specific to whenever the delta crosshairs are not visible. 

[Visual Basic]
Event CrossHairsDeltaLeave()
' XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

Private Sub XYChartNETCtl1_CrossHairsDeltaLeave() Handles XYChartNETCtl1.CrossHairsDeltaLeave
   X0Label.Visible = False  'Hide label used to display first delta crosshairs' x-coord
   X1Label.Visible = False  'Hide label used to display second delta crosshairs' x-coord
   Y0Label.Visible = False  'Hide label used to display first delta crosshairs' y-coord
   Y1Label.Visible = False  'Hide label used to display second delta crosshairs' y-coord
End Sub
See Also



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