XY Chart NET 3 Control Reference
Profile Property

An individual graph line plotted on the XY Chart NET control is referred to as a Profile.

Use this property to return/set values that determines the Profile's display characteristics.  Profile is an array from 0 to (NumProfiles - 1) and it uses the Profile Class set of properties for its characteristics.

[Visual Basic]
Property Profile(ProfileIndex As Integer) As C_Profile
XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.C_Profile XYChartNETCtl.get_Profile(int ProfileIndex)
property XYChartNet::XYChartNETCtl::C_Profile ^ XYChartNet::XYChartNETCtl::Profile[int]
The index of the profile to set/get.  Valid values are 0..(NumProfiles - 1).
' XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

With XYChartNETCtl1
   .NumProfiles = 6                     'Set the number of profiles to plot to 6
   .NumYScales = 3                      'Set the number of y-axis scales to 3
   .DispLegend = TRUE                   'Display the Legend

   .Profile(0).YScale = 0               'Use Y-axis scale 0
   .Profile(0).LineColor = Color.Red    'Display profile in Red
   .Profile(0).MarkerOption = FALSE     'Do not display markers

   .Profile(1).YScale = 0               'Use Y-axis scale 0
   .Profile(1).LineColor = Color.Blue   'Display profile in Blue
   .Profile(1).MarkerOption = FALSE     'Do not display markers

   .Profile(2).YScale = 1               'Use Y-axis scale 1
   .Profile(2).LineColor = Color.Green  'Display profile in Green
   .Profile(2).MarkerOption = FALSE     'Do not display markers

   .Profile(3).YScale = 1               'Use Y-axis scale 1
   .Profile(3).LineColor = Color.Red    'Display profile in Red
   .Profile(3).MarkerOption = TRUE      'Display markers
   .Profile(3).MarkerStyle = msCircle   'Display markers as circles

   .Profile(4).YScale = 2               'Use Y-axis scale 2
   .Profile(4).LineColor = Color.Blue   'Display profile in Blue
   .Profile(4).MarkerOption = TRUE      'Display markers
   .Profile(4).MarkerStyle = msCircle   'Display markers as circles

   .Profile(5).YScale = 2               'Use Y-axis scale 2
   .Profile(5).LineColor = Color.Green  'Display profile in Green
   .Profile(5).MarkerOption = TRUE      'Display markers
   .Profile(5).MarkerStyle = msCircle   'Display markers as circles

   .Refresh                             'Refresh required to update chart with changes made
End With
// XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

//Format Profile 0
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).YScale = 0;
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).LineOption = XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.LineOptions.loCustom;
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).LineWidth = XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.WidthOptions.woThreePoint;
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).LineStyle = XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.StyleOptions.soSolid;
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).MarkerOption = XYChartNet.XYChartNETCtl.LineOptions.loNone;
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).LineColor = Color.Blue;
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).Label = "SINE";
XYChartNETCtl1.get_Profile(0).NumSamples = 10;

XYChartNETCtl1.Refresh();  //Refresh required to update chart with changes made
// XYChartNETCtl1 is the name of the XY Chart NET control instance placed on the form.

//Format Profile 0
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->YScale = 0;
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->LineOption = XYChartNETCtl::LineOptions::loCustom;
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->LineWidth = XYChartNETCtl::WidthOptions::woThreePoint;
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->LineStyle = XYChartNETCtl::StyleOptions::soSolid;
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->MarkerOption = XYChartNETCtl::LineOptions::loNone;
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->LineColor = Color::Blue;
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->Label = "SINE";
XYChartNETCtl1->Profile[0]->NumSamples = 10;

XYChartNETCtl1->Refresh();  //Refresh required to update chart with changes made
See Also



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