Positionsbasierte Last

Use the 'Position Based Load' table to define a load based on the mechanism position. The table has 4 columns – Position, Payload, Thrust, Torque/Force. There is no limit on the number of rows, though there can be a tradeoff in performance if there are thousands of rows.

Thrust is as defined as a "resistive force/torque", awlays acting against the direction of motion. Whereas Torque/Force is a Vector.

The 'Position Based Load' feature is available with the PRO version

The Position Based Load is available for the Rotary and Slider Crank mechanisms.

The Rotary mechanism table values are rotary units - Position [°], Payload [kg-m2], Thrust [Nm] and Torque [Nm].

The Slider Crank motion profile can be defined at the Crank [°] or Load [m]. Therefore, the Position in the table depends on how the motion profiles are defined. The Payload [kg], Thrust [N] and Force [N] values are always applied at the Load.

Import the table from a file (text or spreadsheet), paste from the Clipboard, or manually insert/append rows and add data row by row.


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