General Property Page


General property page contains four sub-groups - Display, Toolbar, Legend, and Crosshairs.  



The Display tab comprises of the following fields.  For more information on each field, click on the Field Label link of interest.   For more information on modifying these parameters programmatically, use the field's corresponding property name.

Field Label

Property Name

Number of Profiles


Number of X-Axis scales


Number of Y-Axis scales


Background Color


Scrollbars Scrollbars


NOTE:  Number of X-Axis scales and Number of Y-Axis scales fields are dependent on the Number of profiles field.  The maximum Number of X-Axis scales is 10 or Number of profiles, whichever is less.  The maximum Number of Y-Axis scales is 10 or Number of profiles, whichever is less.  First enter the desired number of profiles to plot and then select the number of x-axis and y-axis scales from its drop-down list. 

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The Toolbar tab comprises of the following fields.  For more information on each field, click on the Field Label link of interest.   For more information on modifying these parameters programmatically, use the field's corresponding property name.

Field Label

Property Name



Crosshairs button


Zoom buttons


Pan button


Export Data button


Save Image button


Print Chart button



NOTE:  The Crosshairs button, Zoom buttons, Pan button, Export Data button, Save Image button, and Print Chart button fields are enabled only if the Visible option is checked. 

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The Legend tab comprises of the following fields.  For more information on each field, click on the Field Label link of interest.   For more information on modifying these parameters programmatically, use the field's corresponding property name.

Field Label

Property Name

Visible Legend
Border Legend
Y-Axis scale labels Legend


NOTE:  The Border and Y-Axis scale labels fields are enabled only if the Visible option is checked. 

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The Crosshairs tab comprises of the following fields.  For more information on each field, click on the Field Label link of interest.   For more information on modifying these parameters programmatically, use the field's corresponding property name.  

Field Label

Property Name

Crosshairs properties


Scale coordinates properties CrossHairs

Display in legend


NOTE:  The Crosshairs and Scale coordinates fields are enabled only if the Toolbar's Visible option, under the Toolbar tab, is checked; the Profile's y-coordinate field is enabled only if the Toolbar's Visible option, under the Toolbar tab, and Legend's Visible option, under the Legend tab, are checked.

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See Also

Chart Overview    Property Pages    Properties