Use this property to return/set values that determines the chart's horizontal and vertical scrollbar characteristics. Unless its visible property is set to FALSE, the horizontal and vertical scrollbars are displayed when a zoom-in occurs (see Toolbar).
Scrollbars uses the Scrollbar Class
set of properties for its characteristics.
boolValue = XYChartCtrl.Scrollbars.HorizontalVisible
a boolean indicating whether or not the horizontal scrollbar will be displayed
boolValue = XYChartCtrl.Scrollbars.VerticalVisible
a boolean indicating whether or not the vertical scrollbar will be displayed
XYChartCtrl.Scrollbars.HorizontalVisible =
TRUE 'Display the
horizontal scrollbar
XYChartCtrl.Scrollbars.VerticalVisible =
FALSE 'Do not display the
vertical scrollbar
XYChartCtrl.Refresh 'Refresh required to update chart with changes made