Belt Forces

1) Belt forces are always with respect to one belt
2) Drive Pulley Force, FDP = 2Fp, or the acceleration force, Fa, whichever is greater


The Belt Preload Force, Fp, can be set as an absolute value, or as a percentage of the maximum belt force excluding preload, Fb0.


Fa = 500 N    Ft= 200 N    Fg= Fcb= 0

Example with Belt Preload Force, Fp=700 N (an absolute value)


Example with Belt Preload Force, Fp, as 80% of maximum belt force excluding preload, Fb0

Symbol Description Units
Fb Total net force applied to belt N
Fp Preload tensile force N
Fg Force due to gravity N
Ft Thrust force N
Fcb Counterbalance force N
Fa Drive pulley acceleration force
(force required to accelerate all masses and inertias including load, belt and counterbalance masses, plus driven and idler pulley inertias)

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