
Symbol Description Units
JDM Inertia of drive mechanism kg-m2
TDM Torque of drive mechanism Nm
aDM Rotational acceleration rad/s2
h Efficiency of drive mechanism 1
q Incline angle above horizontal o
g Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s2
mLoad Mass of load + payload kg
mCB Mass of counterbalance kg
mBelt Mass of belt kg
FCB Counterbalance force at load N
FThrust Thrust force at load N
JDP Inertia of drive pulley kg-m2
JDnP Inertia of driven pulley kg-m2
JIP Inertia of idler pulley kg-m2
rDP Radius of drive pulley m
rDnP Radius of driven pulley m
rIP Radius of idler pulley m
mBelt > Slide Friction coefficient between belt and slide
mBelt > Load

Friction coefficient between belt and load
Used in System Check to warn if the load will slip if accel is too high
Ie. AccelLoad > cos(q) x g x mBelt > Load


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