SERVOsoft News

SERVOsoft® Servo Pump Option Released!

Nov. 18, 2014

ControlEng Corporation, working in close partnership with Baumueller, is pleased to announce the release of the SERVOsoft® Servo Pump Option!

The Servo Pump option allows users to size and select Servo Pumps, as well as Motor-Coupling-Pump combined products.

  • Unidirectional and Bi-directional flow pumps are supported.
  • A dynamic pressure and flow vs time sequence is supported, which allows users to create any pressure and flow vs time sequence that is required.
  • In the Sequence form, users can display pump pressure, flow, torque, speed, power (hydraulic), power (mechanical), volumetric efficiency, torque efficiency, total efficiency, noise emission, etc.

The Servo Pump is an option that must be ordered separately

For more details, see the Servo Pump Help page.

If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us.