Jan 8, 2010Version 4.4.105 |
- Modified the Error Handling routine to display the exception error message only if the user sets the LogFile.DisplayErrorMsg to TRUE.
- Corrected a rare "divide by zero error", which occurs under very specific conditions. It only applies to VC++ 7, and only when XY Chart ActiveX is used in the same application with other 3rd party ActiveX controls such as "MfBasic.ocx". The error can occur when XY ActiveX is on one window with its crosshairs selected. Then another window, which is part of the same application and is using another ActiveX control, is placed on top of the XY Chart ActiveX window, and then when the window is dragged from top to bottom over XY Chart ActiveX, the crosshairs are revealed, and the error "(DisplayCrosshairsNCoords - update X coordinate) 11 Division by zero" occurs.
Apr 27, 2009Version 4.4.103 |
- If crosshairs are first selected, and then reset and trending runs for more than one day, the crosshairs no longer drag across the chart.
Oct 2, 2007Version 4.4.102 |
- Get and set profile X and Y data seperately via 1-dim array, using new properties ProfileXData and ProfileYData
- Allow up to 100 chars for profile and scale labels, including the profile labels displayed in the legend
- New Property, "DisplayErrorMsg", added to the LogFile class allowing user to enable/disable the pop-up of error messages (default is True).
- Added export chart data to Clipboard:
- Added export data to clipboard capability by setting the ExportDataDestination property:
- XYChart.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataDestination = edClipboard
- Delimiter can also be set via (default is vbTab):
- XYChart.Toolbar.Buttons.ExportDataDelimiter = ";"
- Added new method SaveChartDataToClipboard, which copies the chart image in its current state to the Clipboard
- Added property to the SaveChartDataToFile and SaveChartDataToClipboard methods:
- Optional parameter added to method allowing user to specify whether or not only visible profiles are
exported (default is False).
- Added new property, "ExportDataVisibleProfilesOnly" in ToolbarButtonClass (default is False). Set this property to True to export only those profiles with their Visible property = True. When False, all profile data is exported.
- Horizontal crosshairs label sometimes cuts off part of the first character in the crosshairs text.
XCoordinate/YCoordinate not passing decimals when parameter bFormatted=False and the scale
- NumericFormat="(Auto)".
- On a FormLoad, using Ystacking, setting yscale.visible=FALSE for any scale results in the label height taking up too much height and shifting the toolbar down.
May 5, 2006Version 4.3.101 |
- Added SetPan, SetZoom and SetZoomWindow methods, which along with existing methods and properties, allow developers to use their own toolbar and have full functionality of XY Chart
- Added StairMode property, which draws a profile in steps
- Added MarkerSampleStep property to optimize refresh times when there many samples displayed with markers. If MarkerSampleStep is 2, every other data point marker is drawn. Increasing the MarkerSampleStep property decreases the refresh time by not having to draw every marker.
- Added YScroll event, which triggers whenever one of the Y axis scrollbars are clicked or scrolled
- SetCrosshairs - If crosshairs have already been set, and the SetCrosshairs method is called, the chart's right edge shifts to the left
Nov 29, 2005Version 4.2.102 |
- Boolean scale draws normal profile when multiple YScales per YStack.
- While trending, XScale 'jumps' ahead of profiles (introduced in v4.2.101).
Oct 12, 2005Version 4.2.101 |
- Added XScaleFactor(Scale) and YScaleFactor(Scale) properties which greatly simplify adding multiple units for each X Scale and Y Scale (Sample)
- Added LegendMouseDown, LegendMouseMove and LegendMouseUp events
Aug 12, 2005Version 4.1 |
- Added chart Title with full font support
- Trial version - "Trial" displayed in the center of each graph; banner text containing 'controleng' url removed
- Corrected display irregularities when Windows DPI setting is a non-standard value. Ie. a value other than 96 DPI.
May 15, 2005Version 4.0 |
- New Features:
- Set each profile's NumSamples property individually (moved NumSamples property to ProfileClass)
- DateTime formatting down to milliseconds using "hh:mm:ss.fff" format string (Sample) more »
- Allow multiple YScales on a YStacked graph (Sample)
- MarkerSize 1 (previsouly size range was 2 to 50, and now is 1 to 50)
- True boolean charting for Boolean scales (FormatString = "On/Off", "True/False", "Yes/No") (see Sample)
- Zoom-in window allowed to extend beyond the plot area (selection must start within a plot area)
- New Properties:
- OverrideExportDataButton
- OverridePrintButton
- OverrideSaveImageButton
- Profile(x).SampleStep
- Profile(x).DisplayInLegend
- NumYStacks
- YStack(x).NumYScales
- ZoomWindowColor
- New Methods:
- ProfileData
- SetCrosshairsPosition
- SetCrosshairs
- Trend.AddDataSingleProfile
- New Events:
- ExportDataButtonSelected
- PrintButtonSelected
- SaveImageButtonSelected
- ZoomInSelected
- ZoomInComplete
- ZoomOutSelected
- ZoomOutComplete
- ZoomOutAllSelected
- ZoomOutAllComplete
- YStack(x).Width was not updated when the crosshairs was selected
- YStacking with NumYScales > 5 displayed YScales 6-10 with broken scale at bottom
- Number formatting cropped all decimals for format strings with no leading decimal. I.e.FormatString = ".00"
Feb 1, 2005Version 3.4 |
- Global number and date time formatting and settable toolbar tooltips allow for complete multiple language support
- Increased upper limit for number of profiles from 1000 to 8000
- ExportData changed from comma delimited to tab delimited to allow for European locales where "," is used for the decimal.
- Number formatting no longer crops decimal values for European locales where "," is used for the decimal.
- ExportData no longer adds a space before each YScale label in the first row
Oct 12, 2004Version 3.3 |
- Manually set each scale's major tick scale interval
- Manually set each Y Scale width and X Scale height
- Specifiy each scale's tick label minimum spacing based on its tick label font
- Context sensitive help in the development environment
- None. There are no known fixes at this time.
Sep 17, 2004Version 3.2 |
- Y scale vertical labels with multi-line support
- X scale labels with multi-line support
- User settable toolbar tooltips
- SaveChartImage with legend scrollbar visible left a blank strip
- In a multiple Y scale stacked chart with vertical scrollbars, a visible scale is set to not visible, but its vertical scrollbar remains visible.
Aug 25, 2004Version 3.1 |
- Adjustable Y scale heights in Y Stacking mode
- Zoom not permitted for boolean scales
- NumericFormat = "True/False", "On/Off" or "Yes/No"
- Print functionality
- Print button on toolbar
- PrintChart method
- Properties
- Left, top, right and bottom margins
- Orientation (Portrait or Landscape)
- ShowPrintDialog option
- Mouse button passed in the following events:
- PlotMouseMove
- YScaleMouseMove
- XScaleMouseMove
- Chineese and other language locales supported
- X scale grid line alignment off by one pixel in rare combinations
- X Coordinates updated during XScroll event corrected
- Trending is stopped with 2 samples or less, then Zoom in and pan causes a Sync all - Update min/max X error message. This has been fixed.
Aug 04, 2004Version 3.0 |
- Up to 10 Y scales and 10 X scales
- Y stacking with full zoom and crosshairs support
- Scrollbars hidden or visible
- Pan individual scales when scrollbars not visible
- Toolbar's left, top, width & height properties (read only)
- Chart image property
- Added the following events:
- Click, DoubleClick on chart
- LegendClick, LegendDoubleClick
- PlotClick, PlotMouseDown, PlotMouseMove, PlotMouseUp
- XScaleClick, XScaleMouseDown, XScaleMouseMove, XScaleMouseUp
- YScaleClick, YScaleMouseDown, YScaleMouseMove, YScaleMouseUp
- Save chart to image fixed when chart is partially hidden or not visible at all
- ZoomOutAll event is now raised after the chart is generated (not before)
Jun 17, 2004Version 2.2 |
- Property Pages - X-Axes - Manual checkbox - checkbox was changed in the previous version; code updated to reflect the values allowed for the Value attribute
- Property Pages - Y-Axes - Manual checkbox - checkbox was changed in the previous version; code updated to reflect the values allowed for the Value attribute
- Help file - modified - properties, events and methods added to the navigation tree on the left
- Help file - Scale Class - updated since linear and logarithmic are both supported
- Help file - Install & Setup section updated to reflect version 2.2
- When every Profile(n).Visible = False, the following error occurs: "Adjust grid height, Invalid row value"; this problem has been fixed
- About Box - Regular & Trial - version updated to "2.2"
- DisplayLegend - If YScale(1).Label = “” and YScale(2).Label <>””, then error occurs if
- Legend.YScaleVisible = True. Fix made in DisplayLegend with respect to pre-calculating the number of rows we need.
- Variables used to cycle through numSamples changed from Integer to Long (since max num of samples is 1000000); Help file (TrendClass - AddData) updated to reflect data type change.
Apr 28, 2004Version 2.1 |
- 2nd X scale
- Log and linear scales for any Y or X scale
- Full font support for all Y & X scales
- Panning (ideal for drilling down deep into a chart)
- Null data points to allow for gaps/empty data
- Full number and date time formatting for all scales
- Save chart image to bitmap or enhanced metafile
- Export chart data to comma separated
- Efficiency improvements when scrolling and panning
- When changing the Y scale tick font to say size = 16, the chart does not update properly when the Apply or OK buttons are pressed; this has been fixed; Basically, the y-scale width will be frozen after it is initially displayed. If the data, or y-scale ticks font, format style, or format string changes then the y-scales will be unfrozen, generated, displayed and then re-frozen.
- Y Scale width not adjusting when the Y scale label is wider than the scale; this has been fixed; the greater of the two (label or scale) will apply; Up to 20 characters (same as the x-scale) can be entered. CR & LF count as one character each.
- Trending seems to have some auto scaling on the x axis that causes the newly updated data to be displayed further from the right edge of the plot area; this has been fixed; some code from the original software (version 2.0) was missing.
- Crosshair labels should be the same font size as the scale major tick fonts; this has been fixed.
- Coordinates in legend display “(auto)” when scale is in auto numeric mode; this has been fixed.
- Y1 label can overlap the toolbar when resizing the chart to a small size; this has been fixed.
- NumXScales is visible in Property Browser - this has been fixed (property no longer visible in browser)
Mar 11, 2004Version 2.0 |
- Significant efficiency improvements when refreshing the chart display
- Max samples increased from 10000 to 1000000
- Smooth resizing (i.e. No screen flicker when resizing)
- Grid display for each Y scale (i.e. 5 Y scale grids and 1 X scale grid)
- Legend scrolling feature when all profiles cannot be displayed
- Added crosshairs horizontal and vertical visible properties
- Display of coordinate values directly on the scale itself (previously displayed at the top right of the chart in v1.x)
- Display of each profile Y value based on crosshair X axis value (assumes increasing X values)
- Added two new marker styles, diamond and triangle, for a total of 4 styles - circle, square, diamond and triangle
- Increased max marker size from 10pts to 50pts
- Launch help file from user interface
- Allow for up to 2 lines for each Y scale label using Chr(13) & Chr(10) or vbCrLf to start second line
- When X axis is in DateTime style, the Vertical Crosshair coordinate displays the numeric value and not the DateTime format.
- When trending is disabled, and the user zooms out all, the X scale rises to where the X scroll bar was. Resizing the chart after this point, resets the X scale position to where it should be.
- DateTime format & auto scaling - the X Scale min and max values were not being calculated.
- If a Y-axis scale label is not configured, then the defaults, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, or Y5 (whichever is applicable), will be displayed in the legend. Change this. If the labels are empty, then they are also empty in the legend.
- Get Xcoordinate - the value passed out is the actual value, it's no longer formatted (I.e. rounded off to x-number of decimal places)
Jan 29, 2004Version 1.1 |
- Coordinates available programatically
- Max profiles increased from 20 to 50
- Manual setting of each scale min and max values
- Increased max length of profile name from 6 to 20 characters
- New events added
- CrosshairsMove
- CrossHairsLeave
- Xscroll
- ZoomIn
- ZoomOut
Sep 9, 2004Version 1.0 |
Initial release